Home > Upcoming Events > REUNION / Другарска среща 2021
02 October, 2021
1:00 pm
Polanka Park, Polanka Park, 3258 Knights Road, Bensalem, PА.

Българският Културен Център за Пенсилвания, Ню Джърси и Делауеър.

Ви кани на другарска среща в Събота 2 Октомври, 2021 от 13:00 часа.

Адресът е Polanka Park, 3258 Knights Road, Bensalem, PА.


Входът е $10 за възрастни, децата до 12 години влизат безплатно.

Отбелязвайте броя на всички участници при закупуване на билети. Средствата ще се използват за наем на Поланка.


Билети може да си закупите от тук:



Ако времето  позволява,  ще сме отвън; може да си носите собствени маси и  столове.  Ще може да се внася храна. Напитки ще се предлагат от домакините. Внасянето на алкохол е забранено. Нека се насладим на музика на живо и на запис с много танци и настроение. Молим всички да се спазват правилата  на Центърът за контрол на заболяванията (CDC) и местните регулации относно  Covid-19.

The Bulgarian Cultural Center of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware


is inviting you to the our get together on Saturday October 2, 2021

at 1 PM at Polanka Park, 3258 Knights Road, Bensalem, PА


The entrance fee is $10 for adults, while children 12 and under enter for free.

Please notify us of how many visitors you are bringing when you buy your tickets.

Money collected will be used to pay for the Polanka’s rent.


Tickets can be purchased here:



Weather permitting, we will be outside. You are encouraged to bring your own tables and chairs. You may also bring your own food, drinks will be provided by the hosts.

Let’s enjoy live music, dancing and a relaxed atmosphere.


We ask everyone to follow the local and CDC guidelines on Covid 19 when attending this event.



By virtue of attending the BCC Reunion, you acknowledge, agree to and understand the following:

1) that there are health risks and dangers associated with the transmission of communicable diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19, and there may be an increased risk that you, your child(ren), and/or the adult for whom you are a caretaker will be exposed to and contract such communicable diseases by virtue of their participation in the BCC reunion;

2) you fully assume all of the risks associated with the participation of yourself, your child(ren), or adult in the BCC reunion, including any and all risks of injury or illness;

3) you hereby agree to waive, release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless BCC, and their current and former employees, servants, agents, directors, Board members, officers, assigns and insurers, or all of them, from any and all liability, damages, and actions brought by you, by or on behalf of your child(ren)s, and/or by or on behalf of the adult for whom you are a caretaker, in connection with their attendance at and/or participation in the BCC reunion, including but not limited to damages related to exposure or transmission of COVID-19 in connection with such participation.

We ask that you help us protect the health of all children, families, and staff. Please remain home if you or your child is sick, or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or if anyone in your household has any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or if you or your child have been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in last 14 days. Please refer to and comply with the Bucks County, PA Guidelines for COVID- 19:

